Pretty Mermaid!
Mermaid Cocktail Hangers
$5.00 for a set of 100
Silly Monkey
Monkey Cocktail Hangers
$5.00 a set of 100
Seeing Pink Elephants?
Pink Elephant Cocktail Shaker

Pink Elephant
Cocktail Swizzle Sticks (4)
and Hangers (8)
$2.99 a set
Cute Squid!
Squid Cocktail Hangers
$2.99 a set of 25
Coasting with Elephants
Pink Elephant Coasters (4)
Hipsters Use this Shaker!
Hipster's Choice Cocktail Shaker
Swizzle, Baby, Swizzle
Cocktail Swizzle Sticks
$1.50 a set of six
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On to Religious Relics!